

A Mothers Heart Ache
My heart aches tonight
A mother losing sleep
in the dark as I weep
wishing this fight can cease
Your Dad and I
we're fighting for you
a few years left
and you'll be off to school
I'm thinking back
when you were a little girl
playing princess
your beautiful twirls
your hugs and cuddles
your works of art
funny faces made
the purest of hearts
but 13 didn't make you
all grown up now
you still need your parents
to teach you how
loving yourself
being aware
be a strong woman
don't compare
boys will be boys
and you must stay strong
you have your whole life for that
and it won't be long
girls that are "friends"
end up stabbing your back
you give them your friendship
and now they talk smack
Time goes by
it was like yesterday
you were my baby
we were Masters at play
now here we are
just remember
you're my star
my burning ember
I'll love you forever and ever
We will get through this together

@msdisciple 8/18/2020
© Heather Miller