

songs for the lonely
Crisp bed sheets wrapped loosely around her body
Dressed in pale skin and cigarette smoke
She ran a hand through her untamed hair, twirling a long strand around her index finger, tying knots into the tangled mess
Soft music fell from the speakers
It was outdated and felt like summer
Something like this you just can’t buy anymore
Tears rolled down staining the young features that made up her face.
She then pulled open the curtains to a warm October sky, and with a crooked smile she let the lyrics soak up what was left of her.
After the chorus, her mind was left at peace while tired, bloodshot eyes found rest
She turned the dial, the louder the better.
Oh, and if you didn't know lonely goes down smoother when the background is alive
A little Tom Petty spilled out and filled the half empty room. Her heart skipped a beat everytime a new song began to play.
Bare feet slipped out from the covers, finding the rhythm and swaying along
Her cigarette soon ran out of life
Ash hit the floor
Not that she was bothered
One more she lit with a grin
Then she melted into the moment as her soul caught fire once again
The world around seemed to disappear
Suddenly she didn’t feel so alone