

TITLE- Resonant melodies.

That euphoric feeling of happiness is found,
listening to the euphonium reverberation of the harp creating resonating melodies that astound.

Each melodies resonating with my soul, estacy in every sound, as contentment engulfed me a joy profound.

In that moment, time suspended, nothing else mattered,
lost in the music my spirit
truly flattered.

I found endless delight,
in the enchanting sound which brought my dreams to new heights.

The enchanting sound pleasing to the ear,
fill the enthusiastic crowd cheers could be heard clear.

I am indeed charmed by the music embrace,
it takes me to a place where joy has no trace.

The euphonium echoes resonante in my soul,
filled my spirit with joy and made it whole.

The music surround me in it magical embrace,
and lead me to a happy and a peaceful place.

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