

I Could Never Be a Poet
I could never be a poet. Not in the way they
weave their feelings between metaphors,
leaving them to ooze over the passages below,
suggesting a comfort I’ve not known before.

My encounters much more resemble Frogger,
where I dodge unidentified incoming emotions,
wearing an invisible shield of defense,
while relying on the strength of magic potions.

I could never be a poet. Not with how they
consider every syllable, meter, and rhyme,
transforming words into instruments,
as their mouths keep the time.

Meanwhile I sputter and stammer along,
grasping for a slight understanding
of the influx of sensations upon me
which are overwhelmingly demanding.

I could never be a poet in the sense that
my writing has no rhyme or reason,
follows no formal structures nor adheres
to any certain season.

However, it’s brought me understanding,
fostering a transformation within.
My gratitude is never-ending, but
I could never be a poet.
© Buffy Lee