

Payoff for every day
In the realm where toil and dreams intertwine,
Where sacrifices bloom, and hard work shines,
We toil through sleepless nights, our spirits bright,
Hoping for the day our efforts ignite.
Each drop of sweat, each tear we let fall,
In the grand tapestry, becomes a thread so small,
Yet woven together, they form a quilt so grand,
A testament to our journey, our unyielding stand.
Oh, may our sacrifices, in the cosmic scale,
Find their due reward, and not be surreal,
May the fruits of our labor, in time, be revealed,
And the endless nights, find their golden seal.
For in this dance of life, we strive and yearn,
To see our dreams, through hard work, be earned,
And as we journey on, may our souls learn,
That every step, every trial, was worth the turn.
© Jerry