

Speed'ball junko, ("all we do is climb').


Stress' heater' breath surcoming light. Overshadowed complex power;" reform brightness! too metamorphic lightning beams.

Adding additional complimentary complexities blan blank colors; mistik founding's funded Mar-creature discovery, ("thee water bug arousing figure').

Intes Erie fixation quickly scrolling upwards too the spooky ceiling volting from the deserted descending Hal-way, ("marvell at the Little mighty six -lime young giant').

Sacred scroll altering leg's hypnotizing infinite motion!eching gods of hell fire! ("Overwhelmed, abducting addiction').


Antique Mural Joy' decided thought, ("unfortunately').

Forming antibiotics flaunting pushers romanticizing

Dope dream's, weeding my minds fevering ambitions?

An abolition! has curst habit'habiting Harbour

alchemy's! ("alchemical's).

"Vices', ("Vagabond vexing'),"Vext profession'."Too a

tar-brown ail horse who is in deed of need for chemis-

chemical photosynthesis.

Artistry, ("work of art'or Nonfiction'),what a spoonfuls

of sugar? Soft melodías syndrome Symphony! ("self-

loathing in fear'), blinding dexterity!

My junk construc! junkie partner's. No more

harmonious harmony. "No more constricting misery',

("dementias! demented!'Worley hero's! Wisdom), Know

consulting! Vagrant spirit's.

Doomed abiss, lost w/ exiled friendly ghost!

for an eternity! W/ honey words! ghouls ingested evil

SIN! inspires adulterous wife's too conceded ill

willingness apond', false Gods Spooning spiritual

orgy!...; consummate for an eternity! thus beast of lust

& vanity, snakes snack sea she'll diamond Head for thous!

Colossus Organ member! ("penis'), complemented

human arm's & chest,(" half body'), galloping devil's

hooves,("goat's torso'), acquaint hunting boar's Rams

Head, (" Ivery cround of horns'), ends everlasting curl!

Pan the human flesh eating piper.


Deviance Titans Euphoric discharged climactic putrid
barin gift, demonic beastsman organ member united
serpent stabbing unit, ("viper! cock 'fighting 'hipster'...),
"what stand's before me?

("the Piper's! at the gates have dawned')!

Hindrance Mirthful; Yellow dwarf fears sir-surcome. Pam's towering presence' shadowed bewildering forge entity, trifling w/ possessed memory mesmerizin song & music! composed with hell's flute.

("friendly staff! the piper')!

Piper's flutes piping repeatedly reapiting, folk Lord's & Town men, (A"Spanish Fly, flu swaying charming diddy's pleasant trees'), charmer's melonic binding melody!

(°CLIMB, CLIMB, all we do is CLIMB°•all we do is climb')!

The tower of junk;.. Mangold heads;.. naked sex;.. wicked bondage;.. ("My junkies mate, página an old tool slave too! Pams pit'). Raps consuming kin! "LUST'!

Anti murderess perversions perverted cluster!.. Snakes charming rattle dog cesspool....), tattle rattled darlings malignant harmonies.


Wolf scratches on the WOODEN doorframe, seeking words w/ an ambient audience from thee!.....Welcomed tales of demonic jester's, dope conjunction fixes artistry.

Mirages of the tar brown horse, upsending resurrected from Havens halfcut mix hidden hide awaym perishing parasite.

Still all they do is cling too, ("sexy'), Sextex paradise'. Murky Mirths Yellow dwarf arise! arise! Revised revisit devilish pits! Empty dummy figures dumbfounded mailing Love letter s from Pam's abis! Enhance"eed'thr' "fixing fix'! Distilled water false filtered Subnautica delight.

Meltdown the horses heavenly Dynamo violently cutting, hacking down, wild ignorance, juju Joyce eagerness.

Extract Edge's thought so knowingly cut bonded knowledgeable drowsing dropped secrets! Burning in our vains, ("Holy bliss')!.... Brain! Numb the pain away.

Cooks- junk, boiling-cup, tea-thumb, gained-spoon, speed- balloon, junkos-regrets!

All we do is rupture! hypnot dance, ("time's on our side'....), time, after time, moments feeling's, all in good time.


Lost on the freeway again!.. Looking for means to an end!..

Drunk on the highway again!.. Need to get hi! I love to fly my Kite. I CLIMB very well on that Kite, I get so hi.
Fly my Kite!..

So hi- hi in tha sky! Just wanna see how hi the kite is gonna fly? In the sky one more time!...See how high, just one more time!

One more time, this will be the last time, I CLIMB, CLIMB, CLIMB', so hi, high in the sky, So, So Hi. Blu Blu sky's!

Dont care if the road's gonna end! something soon. Lost in my head once again!...Head game's!

On the road climb-in, CLIMB' CLIMB' my friend!.."gut feeling, that thay are getting Hi.

Bloodborne vices for two, stranger, ("keep'seek"seek-ing' danger'), it's just a little danger but I'll shoot my devil's w/ you!

Aren't we junk driving FOOLS'! Aren't we just a circle of FOOL'S!

Live-is good! lifes great in our little Subterranean cardboard shoe box bungalow!

Stop Asking dangerous question!..The dealers my best friend!..... Pushers a-man'a-fend' A-frame' A-line, A-climb- Lim Hi'Hi Hi-fi!

Will we get foiled again? "FOOLS' Trix for cash' taxing profits of dead people from the past!.... Cocktails rambling remedies, no more deaths letter! please! please!

Join rephrase seeker's stampeding white horses, hellbound avalanche..... ("come forth'!).

tribulating Welcomeing overdose sensation inglés landslide..., generating....., ("Blinding bliss').

If my father is the image of God; .........So then Mother! (in theory);........God has forsaken use!

Just like my father! and his father's before him! Speed ball junkies halteres regrets colic weight.

That for there lifetime all they did was climb' HIGH!!?
So, So HI w/ my old melancholy Blu-Ray-Kite.

© Antonio.Mora.Lopez