

Raindrop’s Journey
#RaindropJourney #Writecoapp

I was born from the breath of clouds,
a shimmer in the sky's wide eye,
gathered from whispers, from misty murmurs—
silent in my making, yet destined to fall.

Suspended in the air, I linger,
an edge between existence and release.
To the sky, I am a fleeting thought,
to the earth, I am a promise.

In the falling, there is no fear.
I surrender to gravity's pull,
the invisible thread that tethers me to what I am
and to what I will become.

As I descend, the world swells beneath me.
Mountains stretch their ancient spines,
rivers coil like secrets waiting to be told.
I feel the pull of all that has been before me,
as I fall not alone but among many.

Each of us, a drop in the vastness of time,
and yet, in this descent,
I am singular,
complete in my own brief being.

And when I meet the earth,
I become what I always was—
not just water,
but the pulse of life itself.

I sink into roots,
trace veins in leaves,
become the quiet persistence of streams
and the stillness of lakes.

In this return, I vanish,
but in vanishing, I become all things.

© Sachan