

A brother & Sister, A timeless pair.
In the cherished tapestry of love, they dwell,
A bond unyielding, through all that befell.
Brother and sister, hand in hand they walk,
Two souls entwined, to each other they talk.

Through laughter and tears, they journey as one,
United in spirit, till each day is done.
With tender hearts, they uplift and inspire,
Kindling a fire, that cannot expire.

Their embrace, a sanctuary of trust,
Where dreams take flight, and doubts turn to dust.
In highs and lows, they lend strength and embrace,
Guiding each other, in life's challenging race.

A shoulder to lean on, when the world's too cruel,
A comforting voice, when they feel like a fool.
Through secrets shared and secrets untold,
Their love shines bright, like purest gold.

Through battles fought, and battles won,
Their sibling bond, forever to stun.
They celebrate triumphs as if their own,
And in failures, they never feel alone.

With memories treasured, and stories untold,
Together they navigate life's winding road.
With love as their compass, they conquer with flair,
A brother and sister, a timeless pair.

#brothersisterpoetry #brothersisterpoem #deep_widin #deepz_talk #brotherhood #Sisterhood #rakshaBandhan

© deep_widin