

A Plea for Honest Hearts
Your words, a tangled melody,
Whisper "feelings," yet deny "love" to me.
My heart, a moth drawn to your light,
Flutters, confused, in the fading night.

Perhaps, dear friend, you paint a scene,
A fleeting warmth, a what-could-have-been.
Infatuation's spark, a passing flame,
But not the embers of love's burning name.

Or maybe kindness masks intent,
A gentle hand, yet feelings unspent.
Misunderstood signals, intentions blind,
Leaving shadows where truths you couldn't find.

But honesty's light must clear the haze,
For words unspoken fuel love's maze.
Speak truth, however harsh it rings,
Freedom's wings unfurl on honest wings.

So tell me, friend, with open tongue,
The song your heart truly has sung.
Let understanding bridge the space,
Where whispers cease and feelings find their place.

For clarity's embrace transcends despair,
And honest paths lead hearts to mend and share.
No blame, no anger, just the dawn's soft glow,
As we move forward, where true feelings flow.

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