

Imagine This-
Imagine This;
Before you're born, you're assigned 4 guardian angels.
They're instructed to never leave your side.
It is up to them how your life plays out.
But each guardian angel has a different opinion on how your life should go.
One believes you're going to fail at everything and die at a young age.
The second one believes that you'll be reckless.
The third agrees with the other two.
So now there's one angel left.
The Guardian Angel looks at you as a baby and says "They're going to make it. They're going to be the best human they can."
The other three guardian angels laugh and throughout the years, they give you bad day after bad day.
But that one Angel is still there.
It's still rooting for you.
Even though it might not seem like it, or the voice isn't as loud as the negative ones.
That Angel believes in you, you can do this.

© Miele Ann