

Noisy crowd,
Continuous talking,
Loud laughs,
Small rumblings,
Slow blinking of lights,
Heavy shade of disgusting acts
Filled that apple green wallpapered room.

While looking at these busy people
With fake smiles and un-off masks
And laughing on overheard puns,
I felt a sudden pain from a grip on my hair
I groaned but the villain just unapologetically laughed
Gave me looks that opt me silent.

I roamed my eyes and caught you staring
Was it for me or not?
I lowered my head to avoid your sight.

With hard and heavy breathing
I meet your eyes full of mystery
and swallowed the lump on my throat.

With gritting teeth,
Clenching fist
And shivering hand clasping on my pounding chest
I saw you looking at her,
My classmate,
My friend,
My sister,
My worst competitor.

I wished to not have these cruel orbs
That showed me things I wanted to avoid
Caused me heartbroken and all
And led me to my downfall.
© Yadnil Santos