

Criminal Nation
They call em a party a gang or a cult
But take a step back and you see the result
The Kakistocracy is a hallowed knuckle drag
Roided Meth America has it in the bag
The cacophony of losers is the proper term
For the slimjim hating nazis brain of a germ
They just needed an antichrist to show them the way
They run from the light of truth like roaches run from day
The parade of Barny Fife buffoons offer no obstacle
Jackass Party limo liberals are just Drunk Mr Peanut Monacle
Thirsty for bleach frosties they wait their sloth command
They Colombine Antifa Or BLM that take a stand
They will solve the problem by and by
I am waiting for their unmessiah to command them all to die
Clockwork Butts of Every Joke they will march the good machine
But the blood of every innocent wont wipe this nation clean
Nothing short of lessons learned to keep the stupid out of power
Will fix this tattoo of history on the forehead of the hour
I see L but you see Hell but its really all the same
Its Bigot centrists and both siders who are deserving if the blame

© Rhombus Ticks