You made a beautiful remark in a powerful whisper, bringing life and light to my none peaceful existence
Taking my hand and taking me into the darkness in search of a brighter tomorrow, Not Broken never broken I'm unbreakable the Walls are closing in around me but my mind and eyes are wide open, scared to step on the cracks in the pavement so I don't walk I travel the world floating, but I no longer feel hopeless I'm filled with hope and joy my vision is clear and I'm focused, legacy to leave behind just in case you haven't noticed, hard work pays off if you just keep pushing forward so new and happy memories are being made so
I'm holding them, I'm encasing them in my arms so everytime I hold you or give you a hug you feel my strength and understand unconditional love, you've got to go through the bad to get to the good but you'll eventually get there but you can never quit or throw in the towel there's always light at the end of the tunnel as long as your never quitting,
Never giving up or backing down...
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