

the heart Bonds in every touch
the realm where hearts entwine,
True love's essence, pure and fine.
It blooms amidst life's gift and flow,
A guiding light, a steady glow.

In whispers soft, and tender touch,
It speaks of depths that words can't clutch.
Through trials faced and storms endured,
True love's endurance, ever assured.

It's not confined to tales of old,
Nor bound by what the world has told.
For in each beat, in every sigh,
True love's magic cannot deny.

It's found in laughter, shared delight,
In darkest hours, shining bright.
A bond that transcends space and time,
In every whisper, in every light,

With every heartbeat, love's embrace,
We find our solace, our sacred place.
In the dance of souls, forever intertwined,
True love, eternal, undefined.

© @David_vs_a_word