

Advise From A Fly
There's a moon pie in the sky
I took a bite and it asked why
I told it that we're born to die
As an old bat had shat in my eye
A bold black cat looked wet but was dry
Just as I was attacked by a fly
The fly was real spry. In suit and tie
I said goodbye it replied with, nice try
You cannot deny that you live in a lie
When it's time to say goodbye
You won't have an alibi
I implore you not to cry
'cause wasted tears don't pacify
I won't leave until you satisfy the
curious fly that was once a good guy
From Sinai to Mumbai
Hear my twisted lullaby
Feast on vebal stimuli
Decalcify and testify
Be disciplined like a Samurai
Delimited yet fortified
Detoxify and rectify
Understand the affect of the butterfly
One man can correct what is uglified

So before you go eating up the Milky Way
Remember, there are consequences to
what we do today
I've listened to their Snickers
I've watched the Hershey's Kisses play
I've seen them dance and prance around
the sugar cane display
I know the sweetened alkaline will cause
your tooth decay
You better listen to what I say if you
wanna keep them white coats away
But then the fly had flown to the bay
where humans throw their trash away
Billions of other flies feast on decay
while the beast in you eats on more
toxic souffle.

Written by: Michael W. Taylor
January 11th. 2023 ©

© Michael W. Taylor