

The fox of time, Highlands
Here right now at this time is the Power which I want. Above everything that is tick-talking in and out of time. A Power that is the Greatest. There are flying animals in this sky of thick clouds and a cold breeze made. Animals I've never seen before. They had no wings, no tails just a head, arms, and a body. Flying towards the light. They new where they were going. I didn't know where I was going. Nowhere is a big place. Deep Huge sounds were going everywhere. There are real directions. Each direction of nowhere. Waking up is the same as going to sleep here. Cold mountains scaped with white snow made the heat fall. Colder I wanted it to be! It was becoming. The hills and the land rolled. The highest mountain was high. I wanted to get high so I arose to the highest mountain. As streams of water began to stream. A Great Animal appeared. Greater than any philosophy that was. Always teaching me never to be dumb. "Questions arrive before Answers. If you do not question then there never shall be answers." Was what I heard as the mist covered all the Highlands just now. I know that the world wants all the answers. Yet they don't want to question? This is philosophy, to question.
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