

Echoes of sorrows
My heart, a heavy burden bears
A grief so profound, it's hard to share
The weight of your absence, I cannot define
A sorrow that's suffocating, all the time

Memories of our love, now haunt me still
Tormenting whispers, of what could never be fulfilled
I'm trapped in this darkness, with no escape
Longing for your touch, a longing that's in vain

In your departure, I've lost my way
Left with only tears, day after day
My soul, a desolate landscape, bare and gray
A reflection of the love that's gone astray

Time may pass, but won't alleviate
The anguish of losing you, my heart's sole mate
For in your absence, I'm forever lost
A sorrow that's eternal, a heart that's forever the cost.

© Rukie vert