

The clock ticks and time has come,
For us to face the dreaded exam,
Papers spread, pencils sharpened,
Our nerves are on the verge of being tampered.

We've studied hard, we've sacrificed,
For this moment, we've paid the price,
But now the fear starts to creep in,
What if we forget, what if we sin?

The teacher hands out the test,
And our hearts start to pound in our chest,
We take a deep breath and begin,
Hoping that our knowledge will kick in.

The questions seem like a maze,
But we push through, with determined gaze,
We write and write, our hands cramping,
But we don't give up, we keep on stamping.

Each question feels like a battle,
But we refuse to let our minds rattle,
We try our best, we give it our all,
For this exam, we will not fall.

And finally, the time is up,
We hand in our papers, hearts still thump,
As we walk out of the exam room,
We pray that our efforts will bloom.

Days go by, and results are out,
We hold our breath, filled with doubt,
But then we see the marks we've earned,
And our hearts are filled with joy, unturned.

For we have conquered the exam,
We have passed, we are no longer condemned,
And though it was a daunting task,
We proved to ourselves, we can surpass.

So let this exam be a lesson,
That with hard work, we can lessen,
The fear and doubt that hold us back,
For we are capable, we have the knack.

And as we move on to the next test,
We'll remember to give it our best,
For exams may bring stress and strife,
But in the end, they shape our life.

© nusrataijazlaway