

Walking Away
Why is it so easy to run away from your problems, but so hard to try and fix them.

Im walking away not because I stopped loving you, I'm walking away because I think it's best for the both of us.

I'm walking away leaving everything behind in hope for things to get better. 

I'm walking away trying to find a new meaning to life because I know theirs more than just these 4 walls in my room holding me a prisoner to my happiness.

I'm walking away from you because when I said I loved you I ment it.

I'm walking away with a broken heart, but I'm taking  these beautiful memories with me on this new journey I called life.

I'm walking away because what's the point of being with somebody who's suppose to make you happy, but I'm not happy I'm lonely, I'm lonely because I'm so used to being put second I dont know what it feels like to be put first.

I'm walking away not because I want to but because I want to think that just maybe you need me as much as I need you.

© JayleenPerez