

Sound of silence
Wrapped in a cocoon of silence,
All by myself behind the scenes,
I hope to find peace in this silence
But then comes a disturbance,
A cacophony of voices
My comfy cocoon of silence
Morphs before my very eyes
Into a lagoon of distracting thoughts.
Oh how I long for a peaceful silence!
Is it ever possible in this world of chaos?
Within and without I'm faced with chaos!
I cry to the God of goodness
To restore to my heart true peace
It is an endless cycle of struggle
To connect with my inner self
To enjoy a peaceful silence
But the sound of silence
Becomes louder and even unbearable
And instinctively I flee and chase
In desperation the chaos
I've always known... noise upon noise
All in a bid to drown out the sound of silence.
© Kelly