

I look up at the night sky
I behold diamonds
Twinkling and out of reach
I've always wished to have one
I prayed endlessly for one
I would go out night after night just to behold this amazing wonder
I asked my creator questions
Would they shine also on earth?
Would they glow?
Or would they always be out of reach?
I got my response one cool evening
While waiting for the diamonds I could never reach
He told me we have diamonds here on earth
Wonderful and special beings that glow and shine
They are amazing people
These people don't say they are diamonds but people notice and say it
I then smiled and smiled and laughed
Because I knew that I had a lot of diamonds at my reach
YOU, yes You, are special
You are a twinkling diamond
A shining star
A priceless diamond
#writco #poet #PenIt #writing