

About the future
The future has to be both fun and terrible
If the sun is hot now then it will be beyond imagineble
Will we even receive a single drop of water
But i know going to the Indian ocean will be in a second
Traveling back in time to stop death at least
Supper powers will be in many bodies which means we will have many supper heros
But then crime we be worse
Now many will be staying in space
We will come to know that we have been living with aliens for centuries
Many people will became robots and some electronic
Humanity will be able to travel to space like going to the trading center
Am sure love will be forgotten that it has ever existed
Sleep will be less since we will be working day and night
Nature will be made and artificial
And we will yarn for it's beauty but we won't get it instead hear stories how marvelous it was
The brilliant dawn will be scutching and not great to witness not even under it
Time will change to the extent night fall will be during midday
What i know the day will be short that it won't be enough for any one
Think cartoons will came to life
Social media will become an addict
Every thing will change and humanity will be lost .
The future will be both simple and hard
Terrible and petrifying
Zaharah Mazzi aqua.