

Day 1019 of 1095
Where's my brother that I need
Now that God has called him home
This musical dream has lost its steam
I have no idea where to go
But I trust in my Father, this I know
So I shall venture places
The weak dare not go
As I shall go
further than my feet can take me
I shall go deep into the shadows
For HE is the light
That's keeps me on the path
No matter how long or narrow
HE takes me where the waters are deep
I dare not panic in HIS keep
I trust his judgements even as I weep
For my enemies cannot follow me
I walk on water only when HE
Wills it to be
HE lifts me beyond anything
As I dive into my inner most being
I let go of all that I've seen
I've survived so many things
But losing my brother has changed me
As I don't see things as I once did
If only I had the talents he once had
Times have changed now, good or bad
I must continue on, search on, live on
I must excel as a Person,
Husband and Dad
Become the things he never did
Acquire the things he never had
Like Peace, LooVe and..and..and
May God keep his spirit
until we meet again
Until then, I shall bask in the music
Dream upon dream
until reality is made real
This I promise you my brother and friend
For music is where our spirits blend
With Music is how the pain shall mend
It is where the torture ends

#poetry #writing #writingtherapy #music
#musiclover #mentalhealth #peaceandlove #poetrywriter #dreams

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