

Stone Heart
Happy, I'm not
Sad, I'm not
Numb, I am

Cold heart, hard as a rock
That's how the world turned me into

I was once the happiest child
Non-stop Playing on the playground
Excitedly going to meet new faces, called as friends

I was once a child who doesn't care for anything
A lollipop is enough to stop me from crying

Back then, I don't care about anything
But when I grew up, everything keeps on fading

The memories of my childhood remains
But my life now was really different

I am now a  person
who's tired about everything
Sick with pointless dramas
Tired for people who call themselves a human, but not

Fake people
Lies without end
That's with the world right now
And that's why I am too tired

Those laughs, those jokes, It irritates me that much
I can't stand with fake people
I can't stand with everyone

Betrayal, Lying,
Those are the only things they know
To betray someone,
And to see someone dying from insults

The world turned me this way
Because I thought the world was colorful
But what I'm seeing right now is different
The world doesn't have any color at all
Or was  just faded away?

The people I called friends when I was a kid
An enemy now for my eyes

Yes I've grown up
So as they
We all see different sides of the world
But I just can't find the answer why they're seeing the world differently as I am

This world is not a paradise
It's a huge game
That every player needs to be cold and have a stone heart to survive
From this game called LIFE