

100days of nightmares
today, this date 7april marks 100 days of mourning here in our own country.
our Rwanda was beautiful and people lived in harmony until those intruders came and separate us.

I was not there then but I still live in shattered homes because of what happened, I call it nightmares but we learned from them and we're now awake we all say "Genocide never again"

today we remember-unite-renew our country through renewing ourselves. we've now forgiven each other but we can never forget because our memory is our future.
I say wipe off your tears my Dear Rwanda. what happened will happen no more your children loves you and are willing to do whatever it takes to build you as world's paradise.

I was not there but I still hear your voices crying and begging for your lives
every 7april marks 100days of remembrance you were great and indispensable, your kids hear your stories and we miss the moments we never experienced.

you were gone early and you will forever be missed. we lit up the light now and then for the shadow you faced to never happen again, dear mother's, brother's, sister's, father's your own family loves you.
28th commemoration of 1994Genocide against the Tutsi.
Don't worry Rwanda we are now one and will forever be (Rwandans)
© Gisele