

Divinity of art form: purity in aestheticity
We always plan a life like a wonderful painting,
But sometimes, we somehow paint a foggy landscape.
Fools will lay still like a rock and never stop complaining.
But the keen will stand up and paint over a prettier shape.
painting is expression of how we feel
seeing some thing be it present or past
recollected in tranquility and expressed
with the brush colour palette on canvas
canvas is the external medium over which we express our feelings in colour
observation of things scenes object s in life give sensation of joy gloom etc to the psyhe the brush and colours express
the recollected observation dressed in the feeling upon that moment in joy
we will see the chirping birds beautious
nature in gloom we'll only see the gloomy picture of the same to capture
a scene in totality we'll have to observe
as a impartial spectator a recluse unnerved unattached only then we will
be able to capture a scene event act in
totality and be capable of expressing it
in colour and brush on canvas or as a
poem story novel quote penned on paper any art is the expression of impression &"emotions recollected in
tranquility"a true art can only be a truth realized this and art representing
nature being the creation of God through our impression emotions and
feelings become sacred and pure because it has the essence of the quintessence of divinity.

© Pegasus 999