

New Life
Holding the rope in the neck
Got a sudden flashback
How smart my young-self was
Now what's left is painful scars
"I give up " said myself
Now I have nothing left
All my hope shatterd away
No more reason for me to stay
Tears rolled from the eyes
Heart was screaming thousand cries
Let's end this suffering at once
I don't have another chance
With the fall of chair I left the world
Thinking that it was the end
Then I heard my mother crying
Father sitting with my body lying
One more mistake I had done
I left my parents all alone
I asked the god to send me back
He said "son, now what happened?"
I said I know my mistake
He said " but it's already late"
I asked for one more chance
First he looked , then agreed with a glance
I woke up in my body again
Saw my mother and father in pain
I told them I failed as a child
They hugged me and said "beta it's fine"
No matter how many times u fail
It's not the end of the sail
Your parents are always proud of you
So don't give up and do what u want to do..

© mahfil-e-shayari