

my fantasy
when the lightning striked with a thrill
being a child I skipped in Glee
wondering if those strokes were real
for me it was a fun thrill
the adults only sat and stared
'it's childish' they insisted

yet I went on
ran on and on
down the lane where theirs were done
blazed the bright sun
and watched it burn
escaped the torment of a cool morn
repell the embrace of a warm dawn
and took on the run
the run that to me was all fun

then came the god of age
who flipped over to a new page
and made me my own bondage
gave me a bulky image
replaced fun with rage
claimed it was a new stage
where I was no more a 'pikin'
stage to kill my fantasies you mean?

now that I attempt to take up my long lost run
the others say I took a childish turn
said I was yet to be born(formed)
called me a prodigal son
all those fun were gone
it was like a fireplace in the sun

yet here I am
trying to grasp the remains
living the life of a third party
like excess words sticking out of a quatrain
and when I yell at such heresy
' do not kill my fantasy
they are what keep me living
take them away and leave me bleeding'
they turn their faces disgusted
at such childishness reimbursed
they kill my childish fantasies

#fountaINK PENultimate

© benigreatest