

Vain Complex
And simply unnessasary

It all starts out with two or multiple opinions
That for some reason can't come to a compromise or to agree to disagree

One sided conversations and opinions
No one willing to be open hearted or open minded
Each having a 'my way or no way mindset'
Causing each other to walk away feeling hurt
and feeling as if we wern't heard
And even our opinions consider unvalued

Is it all for what it's worth
Anger, Fustration and a wrongfull exchanging of words.


So let us calm down. Walk away. Think about the right words to say.
Return. Remain
in a calm state. And Quietly explain.
Let's not raise our voice's
Let's make rational Choices
And Be mindful of our words
Let us make sure everone feels heard
and that our opinions are vauled

Let's finally come to an Agreement
Not cause an Argument.

(Should he reason with unprofitable talk? Or with speeches wherewith he can do no good?

(Job 15:3 KJV)

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