

Just as Poseidon was the god of the storms and the sea
you were the god of my anger and misery
No matter what I did to be the bigger man
it seemed you wouldn't stop until you had completely drowned me

Now I'm sat sobbing in a holding cell
in a suburb just outside of Cleveland
The cops were nice enough to take off the cuffs
and let me wash the blood off of my hands

I drank so much, that I barely remember driving
I started blacking in and out when I finally heard the sirens
None of the screams made my fists complaisant
I kept swinging until your face was mixed with the pavement

Now I'll be lucky not to lose the next two years of my life
I'm only 17, my future used to be so bright
But I lost it all after a drunken midnight drive
that ended with a pretty one-sided fight

I think about what my poor mother will say
when she sees me covered in crimson and shame
Not left is a single shred of dignity
The sweet boy she used to love will never be the same

Still to this day, I have scars on my knuckles
and I still feel the chains around my wrists
I'll never forget the cold concrete floors of that jail cell
or the blood that dried and cracked around my fists

But Poseidon didn't blink when he lost a child
because he knew he could have 100 more
So when the second son of a king was banished from the sea
he vowed to make the best of his life among the shore

Poseidon is doomed to an eternity at sea
and he'll never forget the night I set myself free
Sirens and flashing lights, authorities restraining me
Poseidon will know that I'm free