

Not the beautiful one, yeahh
I'm not the fair one ; Dusky
Is the colour I posses,
My eyes are not so big & bright .
Rough is the texture and black
Is the colour ,But All I wanted
Is a rainbow on my head .
Colours are what I love , unfortunately
Didn't even know to do the makeup .
So, The cheeks are chubby and yes
The lips are not plumpy , contouring
The word itself is hard to remember.
Yes, eyebrows are something I'm
Blessed with , rather a curse than a gift
Because It grows so expeditiously.
Hair on the head is good, but hairy the body
Ah isn't that cute , from list of the society norms.
They say legs should be tall and lean ,
Alas! mine are small and thick .
Full sleeve I prefer, or say that I have to choose
As sunburned hands are not so cool.
Abs , packs , toned belly blah blahh
There are so many perfect terms for my tummy
Still it choose to be portly with those layers within.
I never understand why the way I'm , the real me
Cannot be accepted by community around me.
Not perfect,I dare to be the less perfect one.
Do you also think the same ?? Then, break those
Societal chains and live as you dream to .

© Mishraiin

#selflove #writco #imperfect