

January 28th 2022
I'm a magician of seeing both sides
Some tell me I live a life of lies
Their true pain inside is what they hide
The fact they can't understand a completely different mind
I don't determine what they are, but I get so lost in their scam of trying to tell me what I am, I call them narcissists.
It's not my nature to want to label
It's only something that's been brought to the table
Don't tell me a fable
The thoughts make me rot
However, these people do not
These thoughts, this knowing, they do not see
They hate that I think so free
And I won't be
What they say

He's mad that I'm telling him how he is, so he does it in return
My soul he does burn
Yet he seems so undisturbed

Where is his proof?
If you don't know me, I don't know you?
I have proof of the shit you do.
You scrutinize and be rude
Anytime I feel anything
© joelletabacsko