

like broken...
You often know i have the impression that i'm breaking a bit like a jerk fallen suddenly to the ground

Like i'm not functioning normally anymore i mean right

I want to love ..... for real
Sometimes i have the impression of achieving it

And other times it's just impossible
The device that is supposed to allow me to process this kind of information is very affected

Sometimes it happens to him to walk
a bit... like when you tap on the gamepad or the computer... when they start messing around or the way you roll the batteries of the control just to be able to zap quiet

You sometimes see how it works and sometimes you need new batteries or a new computer or a new controller.....

But i doubt very much that a heart is replaceable

And that even. If it were possible something would still be missing

I don't know why I'm like her
I'm sorry I don't deserve you
© goddess