

I got it I get it everytime, my hope is that you've found the right, you know the one. They're kinda hard to find but they are out there. I miss talk to you and a couple others when things were good you know before things got like this. I've enjoyed reading yours and those others when I do they got that realness about them that you don't get anymore always a nice read.
I think about you a lot this time of year remembering that sensible word of mouth kinda quote that you don't get nowhere without experience.
I've just about given it up because I can't find what I've been looking for not like this no way. Maybe one day I'll see you again but I keep checking you out hey holla at me sometimes.
Anyway it is always nice to see you and you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year ok.
Sincerely, Skywriter.
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