

Next mother
Sober and sweet, ambitions are neat,
To my life , she is essential as wheat.
I remain lack of bother,
reason is my next mother.

Family she created, highly appreciable,
values inculcated , are must preservable.
Gifted her lovely son, with kind wishes,
her blessings are indeed gracious.

Protector of the menage,
dignified she remain,
sometimes her heart resembles butter,
which smoothly melts.

I took a trip down memory lane,
She showered all her maternal love,
and grounded she remain.
Equity of treatment she provided all,
oh! her innocence, i just recalled mom.

People regard her as my mother in law,
perceptions made on,
ancestral traditions they saw.
I see her as soul of tender,and
none other than,
my next mother .


Its a blessing to have a mother in law same as mother...feeling blessed and felt like sharing 😊

© white doll