

what is your currency

I'm good he says, as if his currency is sparing
was worth raised and appraised weight bearing
Is sharing really caring?
Or is it selfishly tearing
Feeding on Anothers strength unfairly
The exchange of energy
Is ballenced such rarity
Our tag claiming friendly
is your for free freely
But a friend will cost you a small service fee convertibility
And friendship can be costly
to give and receive both trade in equality
Or a full spiritual feast for a spirit who only feeds in the epiphany of curiosity
to be bought or sold this treasury of curiosity
So yeah I'm thinking the costly of commodities would be out write paper back novelties
So what is your currency
mostly salary or modestly is the conversion rate just a curiosity

I was asked what was my currency
And all I said was

“what? currently?”

© Sean Windsor