

The word childhood is sounds very pleasant nd full of live.It like ones greatest moment that never come back again.thousands dreams Nd madness in mind ..no restriction boundary everything looks so coloufull Nd bright .no discrimination everyone looks same as ourselves..
For some it's like one of the best moment fill with love Nd care colourfull toys foods books,painting,beautiful festivals,clothes,playing,schools, education.
for some,s it's only dream reality is so different at age of six or seven they have to take care of their youngest one Nd even their family. They work in hotels Nd shops their basic needs to earn money they dnt care what other kids get how education is important what the meaning of childhood for them foods is the only priority.
we always watch many children begging on roads side Nd working in dabas(hotels)
they are too children like our own but we dnt care about that we want so protective Nd security environment for our kids but for them it's their their works Nd they are not our children so we dnt care .
why the society is so different why one get bed of flowers Nd other sleeps on road..for some it's blessing Nd for others it's curse.