

You never knew
Once long time ago,
When it was the time of harships and drowning deep in the ocean,
I met you as if I've never seen one before
There began the journey of my life with you,
I gave it all I could give to be the best,
I told everything without leaving any,
Dawn or dusk it was all like a fairytale,
Pitch dark or bright moon, it all seemed beautiful with that voice of yours.
Holding myself , resisting the urge to have a look at you once actually
As it was all about virtual presence.
But one day you left me shattered as if it meant nothing to you,
I can't blame , I can't react,
Those days were so lonely that I fought all on my own,
It was about one desire that changed your mind.
Trust me , you never knew how those arrows went deep,
But you also never knew I was the same and still the same one with the same heart....

© RR
#youneverknew #lessons
#itsokaytobehurt #lifegivechance