

mirror talk
I see her there
in the mirror
a reflection
looks like me
but is built differently
she wears bright clothes
has lovely smile
no scars on her heart
she is not falling apart
she raises her finger as if to say
you can have one question
one that you can ask me
anything that comes to mind
just ask baby
and so I stare in her deep dark eyes so alike mine
and I see her hair and her laughter her sparkling mind
a million question I can ask
swirl inside
but what irkes me the most
is that she is me
just happy and carefree
how is that fair
how can that be
and so I ask her if she had it easier if she had a good life if her father hugged her often
and taught her how to ride a bike?
she smiles at me sadly
mist in her eyes
I am you just in five years
so we had the same childhood.
you will grow up
baby girl
I promise you you will
you will hope
and fly
you will live you will breathe
you will smile more often
you and your miraculous mind
I will see you in five

© infinite