

Dragonfly Recover Experiment Journal Entry 0

HOW PECULIAR- Can you see the Blood?

I saved a Picture of myself -as I laid myself to rest, and I keep it as a souvenir , it's great to look back at and give thanks to God , every transgression and concentrated evil that had been collected over the past that was stored inside me had completely contaminated my spirit, every color that I once had was gone , I AM Now Black, I can absorb every color and still remain who I am , I am exactly That, I didn't have to climb out of a hole , I didn't have take any steps I called upon the one who the creator sent to work on my behalf and i rose out of the old dead lifeless body, it took no work on my part, I ROSE FROM THE FIRST DEATH AND I WALKED , through every obstacle and trial that puts itself in front of me ,I walk , giving thanks , through every suffering and fire that threatens to surround me, I will walk, I will walk in spirit and truth, giving thanks to the Light that lifted me up, A BEAUTIFUL SOLID BLACK COLOR, #blacklivesmatter ,
© lifegate21