

Together we stand for Christ
Together we stand for Christ
Together we preach the gospel of Christ
Together we heal the world from lmpunity
Strong and backup by God , even in this sinful weak world
letting the unbelievers know how good our God is to all
A forever Merciful God and always active in all situations
who never sleep nor slumber
who always accept the repented ones and welcomes them with joy of salvation ,
restoring their lost peace of life &
guiding their step from all evil path,
making all the repented ones, superior to all satanic agents ,with a enough boldness like a lion which make them
tremble upon all sarpet of the earth

setting their eyes upon himself which he promise their help comes from
making the end a victorious one
by proving himself as God, and us as salt and light of the world ,who shine in all darkness of the earth..........

#pendestiny #UltimateDestiny .....
Am nothing but a pen in the hand of my creator