

Hideout heaven
This hideout heaven is like..
trying to explain what God looks like.
Its quite the hike,
to arrive to the hideout heaven.

I was young,
My grandmother was young.
the fresh air there happily filled out lung.
a few sticks for the roof we hung.

A bush here and there,
made the walls i thought were so strong.
it mattered cause we gave it good care.
and the birds could still sing us a song.

We saw the creepy crawlys,
but we let them stay.
cause it was there home first,
so we didn't shoe em away.

It was a lot of work,
as the weeds continue to grow.
The sun would follow us and lurk,
but soon turn low.

When our tired little legs walked home,
There be this dog whod chase us.
Itd roam but my grandmother brought a bat!
And we make it home with no rush.

As a wave of happy thought I get at night,
As the day comes to its end.
Life just felt so right,
My grandmother is always my hideout friend.

2019 she passed away,
the hideout heaven lays there still beautiful.
And each day,
I drop off a flower or a little inch worm.

I do it in remembrance of her,
because we love those little things is life.
And the sadness will just instantly blur,
that therapy in very wise.

- Emaleth Zargallows
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