

Dead Alive

Every morning dressing like a king,
Moving out in a killing outfit,
Impressing all the ladies and guys around the streets,
A guy with freshness,
To who many soul's craves to be like,
With no idea of the pain and sorrows in my heart.

Just as zombie, so is me who lost all hope,
Waking up every day just to live another nightmare,
As if I am not already dead inside,
My wife gone with all of our kids,
Whom she taught hate,
And not any other kind of hate,
But hate towards their dad.

Homeless because of divorce,
As she sold what she didn't buy,
The only heritage of my children
and shelter to my being,
Many years of struggle ,
Before I even see her face,
To date that star which brought darkness in my life,
Darkness is now my lifestyle,
As she buried me where no light reaches,
For my body is alive but my soul is dead.

© Nzeyimana.Pa