

Emptiness is not full of void, nor devoid of it, for me emptiness means sitting on the shore and watching my thoughts soar...
Emptiness is
Not full of void, nor devoid of it,
For me emptiness
means sitting on the shore
And watching my thoughts soar
In a beautiful rhythm, creating
Ripples of silence,
Playing melodies of quiet
Or watch how the thoughts flow
Against the course of river
Creating havoc creating chaos
When they merge into me,
Becoming one with me,
Or me merging in them
Becoming one of them,
To me emptiness is
Seer of my thoughts
Observing them from
Far afar, not becoming
One of them or allowing
Them to merge with me,
It's the state of thoughtlessness yet
conscious about the conscience.

#writcopoemchallenge #writco #wricopoem #emptiness #thoughts #philosophy #sanhita @Sanh9292
© Sanhita Sonavane