

Two People In The Park
Our eyes met, he smiled

Yet his smile never

Really reached his eyes

He looked as if he's seeing

Something I've long forgotten

Maybe it's me whose blind

Maybe it's me whose eyes

Don't see a world that's

Ignored from reality; in

Him I saw, he longed for

Something that's normal

To me; maybe it's freedom

Or it could be a genuine

Smile; I dunno what but

I'm sure it will haunt me.

His posture is weak

He looked half broken

He might fall over but

That's not my concern

Or so I wanted to say

Yet I'm transfixed

He seemed sad

In him I saw a longing

For things I take granted

His pain hypnotic

That made me forget

About my happy days

For, in him I saw a longing

That said I'm lucky

To be genuinely happy

That I could see his pain

With utter curiosity.

That I'm not the one sitting

In that hardwood bench

That I'm not the one

Feeling all of this.

And my consciousness

Told me that I am not

The only one that ought

To feel happy too

For if not Humans then

What really are we?

And if so why not make

Every single one happy?

Sitting on the park bench, I see a happy man

His eyes twinkle with an inner glow

There's a rhythm to how he looks around

Almost like he's dancing inside.

I wish I could dance like that.

He radiates joy like a summer sun

Warming his heart and the hearts of others.

Then he looks at me.

His face changes, some of that happiness diminished.

I want to apologize to him for bringing him down

I want to be happy, I really do

But how can I tell him that I just can't

I used to be that happy, once.

Then the joy sort of went out of my soul

Replaced by something that's not quite sadness,

Not quite grief, but mind wearying.

It feels like I have no energy, it's all used up.

I try to be happy but I'm just too tired.

Please, tell me how I can help you understand.

I just need you to understand.

© Mike Gurak

This poem was cowritten by @Mubi .