

I've looked back at the path, every face in every reflection different than the one before it.

A girl,a woman,a man, a boy...

I wore them all with all their pain,weight and love ...
Just a traveler roaming this world, I sought meaning and a way to sooth the gaping hole underneath my chest.

I bided my time laughing and seducing the inhabitants wondering how to fill the space inside, forcing myself swallow the bitter and spew the sweet words they loved, all to an end I didn't know,just anything to feel...

Now here now looking back I realize...

I'm who you needed me to be, holding onto a memory of a most beautiful moment when the gentlest of lights ignited my soul and taught me I was worthy of love.

I missed you, and so if you should see this one day just be sure that you are loved and I wish I had said it when we lived in a dream holding onto each other.

© CM