

A mask for the night,
A mask for the day.
A mask for your work,
A mask for your play.

A mask for your anger,
One for your joy.
A mask for the girls.
And one for the boys.

A mask for the pain,
A mask for the pride.
A mask to be seen...
Another to hide.

A mask for your family,
One for your friends.
A mask for beginnings,
And one for the ends.

A mask for your smile,
A mask for the voice.
A mask for your thoughts,
A mask for the choice.

I'd ask you to wear,
The mask you decide.
But something's exposed,
And too bright to hide...

So I peer past the layers,
And can't help but wonder...
On the storm raging there...
Would it tear me asunder?

Or could we find solace,
And put to the task,
This vision of love,
That could never be...
