

My Last Battle..
I wonder where it all started...
Why it started...
I wonder where I went wrong..
My body aches ..
My vision gets clear..
My legs feel weak..
As I make an attempt to stand up again...
I recall the time I had stood up..
I was hit from behind by my very own..
I fell unconscious hitting on the ground...
I have regained consciousness...
My head swims and I almost thirst...
As I open my mouth to ask for help..
A bit of the dust enters my mouth...
I realise I have been left alone to die...
Nothing can be seen for miles..
I struggle again to stand up..

I make a vow today..
I take a vow now...
As I raise my head above the ground..
As I arch my body upwards...
Pushing up on my hands..
I will never give up this battle defeated..
I will never retreat till I find..
The victory flag flying gloriously..
High above...
Till then I will battle every demon..
Every vice..
Every dark and cold alley...
Every serpent slithering on the ground..
I shall trample under my feet..
Yes..I shall emerge victorious from this brokenness..
Every scar on my body..
I shall carry with pride...