

"Even when the clouds cover, the stars shine on.
Even when it is out of sight, the light is never gone.
Even when it is only a quarter that shines, the moon still shines bright.
Even the most peaceful person, some days they have got to fight.
Even if you win it all, some day you've got to lose.
Some days you don't get to choose.
The days that we wish never end, are the fastest to go.
And the days that the river flow backwards, you still have got to row.
And the scars we hide the most are the easiest to show.
And the hardest lessons we learn, are still worth it now we know.
We only know how to fight because of all the wars.
And on the days that we stay stuck, life still goes.
And the only way we can know what comes next is to move.
And what we learned from experience, we don't have to prove.
And if you don't take it, you'll miss the chance.
And so I wrote this poem to remind myself when everything doesn't make sense."
© Prince