

The shimmering light,
That pierces the darkeness,
The God who sees my heart.

Nights when I used to stretch prayers to it's limits,
Where my knees knew their threshold.

If you could carefully dust off my weary heart,
you'd see the world's thumbprints.

When the hunger in me started to decipate,
What I started to know,
Seem to smell like nonsense
Words from my lips turned stale like bread.

I began to trade the creator for something created,
I desired the miracles and not its creator,

But now, El-roi, I turn to you again,
My knees trembling, my heart yearning.

I want to know you, the creator of all,
To taste your love once more,
To hear your call.

So dust off my heart, El-roi,
And make it new,
just the way you intend.
